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The Friendship Group - Our Story
A few days away in the Derbyshire Dales

We are a group for the bereaved, separated, single and divorced. .

Simply Forward has been helping people make new and lasting friendships and enjoy activities in the company of others for over twenty years.  


So if you are at least 60 years old, you are single for whatever reason and you live within striking distance of Milton Keynes, then you have come to the right place.

Our activities are all contributed by the members themselves. They may have spotted an advertisement for a social function, an outing or even something as simple as a great meal deal somewhere.

That information is then made available to our members via the monthly calendar (see the Menu above) and should you wish to join in an event, then go right ahead.  The Calendar gives all the times, dates and contact details and even has a map link to get you there.


We also hold a monthly get-together, currently at Woburn Village Hall where, if possible, we invite a guest speaker to talk about, well, absolutely anything.  It's a great way to meet and chat while enjoying tea and biscuits.  Membership is just £20 per annum. It won't change your bank balance by much, but we can almost guarantee it will change your life a lot.

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